Friday, July 30, 2010

Who Is Mysterion?!

Heh, i bet a lot of you are thinking i'm crazy. i actually just have way too much time on my instead of sitting in my room doing nothing, I did this!
In the commentary for this episode, Trey and Matt even said that they forgot who they had set up to be Mysterion.

I couldn't just take that as the answer though XD It has been bugging me for a long time since I first saw the episode and now, after a crap load of thinking and scanning through "The Coon" episode, I finally came to my own personal conclusion to who i think is Mysterion.

*dramatic music plays*


There is a big clue that everyone seems to overlook when figuring it out, the fireworks used in Mysterion's escape from the Coon once he visits the police station.
As Cartman pointed out "they are illegal" and who on the show has a history of illegal firework smuggling in South Park...?
Stan's uncle Jimbo (In the episode "Summer Sucks"), that's how Mysterion could get hold of illegal fireworks. :excited:

On top of this, which i thought might have just been a coincidence, the "M" for Mysterion might actually stand for Marsh too.

When Cartman first meets Mysterion, he gives a list of names and when he says "Stan" this is the only time Mysterion goes silent.

When Butters has up the wall and Cartman as the coon ask, "Hey why is Cartman crossed out? He could be Mysterion!"

Butters simply replies "Nah, based on the body type it's either Stan or Kyle."

and finally the third and best clue is "Mysterion asks Kyle for his help" According to Craig. Nobody likes Stan, Kyle, Eric, or Kenny. And Stan and Kyle are the best of friends who would help each out no matter what Moreover Mysterion says to Kyle "I think you're the smartest kid in our class" I do believe Stan said that to Kyle once in an earlier episode, but im not sure.

Wendy said it might be a girl, but the girls in South park don't usually do such crazy things

Another reason why it might be Stan, is because he is the most compassionate of the group. When the Coon told Mysterion that he would have to reveal himself or else another 'terrorist attack' will occur, his face looks exactly the same as Stan's usually does right before he is about to make everything right again in most episodes.

That might just be my personal opinion though.

Stan did however, want to stop eating animals because he didn't want to take their lives in the "Fun With Veal" episode, so that is one example of him being compassionate.

Since clearly it wasn't Kyle, if it was Kenny they would have done the obvious joke of killing him at some point. I also took this into consideration, since they technically DID kill Mysterion (you bastards!) but giving all the stuff i got above about Stan being Mysterion, I think that was just a coincidence as well.

At the begining my obvious suspects were Kenny, Stan, Craig and Clyde-

Who else besides our group of 4 in south park would be involved in such a mess.
Craig? We know all he wants to do is stay home, watch Red Racer and play like a normal kid. So it can't be him and another popular character on south park is "Token" but Mysterion is clearly white.
Clyde most likely thinks like Craig, so we can rule those three out.

Kenny most likely couldn't afford fireworks, so that works against him.
Mysterion also visited Kyle (Mysterion counts out Kyle and thinks hes the smartest in the class, so i'd think they've gotta be good friends).
As said before, Clyde probably couldnt care less about this whole thing. Clyde was also asleep in class when Cartman revealed the Coon's location. So he wouldnt know where the Coon was, even though Cartman did wake him up I doubt he was actually listening.

And finally, Cartman didn't actually say he thought it was Wendy, when she suggests it need not be a boy he just exclaims "fuckin bitch" and that was that...

Also, Stan is unpredictable and highly secretive at times, like in "The Urinal Deuce".

I look too deeply into these episodes dont i...? And i probably repeated myself in there somewhere too...oh well =3

Stan is most likely Mysterion. If you found something wrong with this then please let me know! *wave* see ya! Sorry it was so long...